Category Archives: Tiger Clubs

“Beach Day” for Grade 12’s

Grad Week started today and the seniors called it the “Beach Day”. Grade 12’s got wet, enjoyed the sun and enjoyed splashing water to each other. It was a really good lunch time although not everyone had the opportunity to throw a water balloon to someone.

Thank you so much for all the Grade 12’s who participated in this Grad event. Please continue to participate in other Grad week activities.

Check out some cool photos below.

May Pep Rally


Thursday class schedule (adjusted for the pep rally)! Wear your tiger gear!


Block 1 (9:00AM – 10:11AM) –> Block 2 (10:17AM – 11:28AM)


Pep Rally (11:28AM –  12:08PM) –> Lunch (12:08PM – 12:53PM)


Block 3 (12:53PM – 2:04PM) –> Block 4 (2:10PM – 3:21PM)


Grad Week News

Hello Tiger Grads, so Grad is next week that means that we’re going to have a Grad week next week as well. (A lot of “week” word here) Anyways, so here’s the schedule

Monday – Beach Day (wear a beach outfit, don’t wear bathing suit okay?)



Tuesday – Toga Day (uh, wear toga since it’s toga day?)



Wednesday – Tight and Bright day (wear something bright – show us your true colors)



Thursday – Throwback Thursday (let us see your old you)



Friday – Commencement Day!


30 Hour Famine Executive Position Application

Hello everyone! I hope you guys are enjoying your spring break! It’s April! We’re two months away from our summer vacation.

Just a reminder for those of you guys who wants to be a part of the Executive position for the 30 Hour Famine next year, applications will be opening next week! This year we are changing things up a bit.


1. If you are applying for the position. You need to send your up-to-date resume.

2. List extra-curricular activities that you are currently involved in.

3. Statement of interest. (In less than 500 words, please state why you want to be a part of the 30 Hour Famine Executive)


There are four open positions for the Executive team! So what are you waiting for, apply now. Use Google Drive to save paper and come on it’s more accessible.

Deadline for submission will be on April 9, 2014. No exceptions! Share your application to and

Good luck!

Students Union Update (March 24-28, 2014)

Hey hey hey Tigers? What’s up? See what your Student’s Union have for you this week.

First, your SU wants to thank you for all your support during the Pie-ing the Teachers Day. Together we raised more than $200 for a project that Mr. Gardner is supporting in Uganda. Thank you so much Tigers!

So what’s up with SU this week?


Hurry down to the front foyer during Lunch to buy your tiger gear! SU will be selling crew necks for $30 regular/ $25 Gold Card and sweats for $40 regular/ $35 Gold Card. You will also get a FREE Spring Dance ticket for your crewneck/ sweatpants purchase for a limited time only from Monday Mar. 24 to Friday Mar. 28. (One Time Offer Only Per ID Card)  Don’t miss the deal! Check out the designs below. Make sure to check it out!





Your Students’ Union will be hosting a dance on Thursday, April 17th featuring DJ Astro Koi! All tickets will include one free drink and a chance to win some amazing door prizes! We are further extending our invitation by giving students the opportunity to invite guests who are registered high school students as long as you are purchasing their tickets on their behalf and have their school’s administration send an email to our Principal!

*Tickets are $5, sold at the Front Foyer!*

Alive bar.jpg

Pi Month Update

We are celebrating Pi month. So what activities are we gonna be doing?

We will be holding a TEACHER AUCTION! (Yay)

The three teachers who get the most money donated by lunch on Friday (March 21, 2014) will be the ones that get a nice hunk of pie to the face!

*Please bring all donations to the Tigers Den and a SU Exec will help guide you through how to do things.

More information about the this event?

Where will the teachers get pied: Large Gym!
When will it be happening: March 21 during lunch!

 Check out the pictures of your cool teachers who are participating in this sPIctacular event.








So who do you want to PI?

Grad 2014 Update

Grad is coming up soon which means that the Grad. Council are so busy making sure that this year’s Grad will be a blast.

Here are some updates about YOUR Grad…


Your Grad song is. . . (drumroll) . . . COUNTING STARS by OneRepublic. This song was chosen by your Grad. Council.



Grad photos are uploaded in the Yearbook’s site which means that we need your GRAD Quotes in as soon as possible. For submitting your Grad quotes you have 2 options. Your Grad quote should not be over 50 words.

Option 1

Submit it when you pick your Grad gowns (sometime in May). There will be a couple of Laptops in the place for the Grad gowns pick up and you can enter your Grad quotes there.


Option 2

If you don’t want to miss the deadline or you don’t want to type your quote when you pick up your Grad gown you can email it to If you are planning to do this, follow the instructions below.

A. Put your subject as “(Last Name, First Name) Grad Quote

B. Type your Grad quote in the message “area”.



Find a cute or silly baby photo of yourself for the banquet slideshow and send it to or bring them into Mrs. Perkis in the art room to get it scanned!
(Note: If you are sending an email, please include your first and last name)


We are looking for people who would like to MC at the banquet! If you would like to speak during the banquet come talk to the foods teacher Mrs. Kachkar for sign up!


More updates will be posted soon!

McNally Open House is Coming Up!

McNally’s Open House is Wednesday March 19th, from 6pm – 8pm.   Come witness our school spirit by touring our halls, speaking to students, meeting teachers and seeing a variety of student projects.  School open houses are the best way to get a feel for a school and at our open house, you will see why our students are proud of their choice.

Touch of Class 2014

What’s up people! Are you excited for Valentines day? One might say that, I will not do anything that day because I am “single”. But if you are single, don’t worry, you can still have fun that day because that will be our Touch of Class “day”! Woohoo! It is going to be awesome. Thanks to our Student Union Executives for organizing this amazing event on Valentines Day.


This year, you can wear your favorite dress on Valentines day. How cool is that? You get to take a lot of pictures with your friends and classmates and with you teachers too. So what are you waiting for, prepare your awesome dress NOW. Also, tell your friends about it so that McNally will actually look like a “Palace” – of – roaring Tigers? Hmmm! I guess that’s a “good-enough” term to describe our awesomeness. But yeah, spread the word Tigers.


Grad Council February Activities

Hello everyone. Second semester is here. I hope you guys are all enjoying the first couple of days of your second sem. Not only did the new semester start but also it is February which means La La La Love Month fellas. Also, it means that we only have four – O my gosh , that is right – freaking four months left before our Graduation day. Isn’t that exciting?

Below, is the list of activities that the Grad Council is going to do this month.


February 6, 2014 – CRaaaaaaazy Bread Sale. Check out the school’s front foyer on this day (tomorrow) and buy crazy bread. It is only $3. C’mon let’s go crazy craze eating crazy bread!

Scrumptious Delight little cotton candy plush toy

February 14, 2014 – Cotton Candy Sale. Be sweet on Valentines day so give your special someone OR friends OR your teachers a cone/stick of Cotton Candy to show them how much you love them. It’s only $3 so make sure to check out the front foyer for this stuff. It is also a good “thank you” gift to all of the people who made your first semester awesome.


3rd week of February (Specific date TBA) – Bottle Drive in “YAH” neighborhood. On third week of February some of the Grad people are going to collect bottles from their neighborhood.

The Grad Council of McNally High School are in need of helpers for their fundraising activity. Here’s what the Grad Council Officers posted on their page!

Hey Tigers, we are looking for a couple [of] people who have access to a vehicle [in] a Saturday/Sunday afternoon. . .to help us with a bottle drive we are having. The more people who help, the more money we can make for [this year’s] Graduation. Spread the word and [message] us [through Facebook] for more information.

If you are not graduating this year but still want to help out, then come and help the Graduating class this year!

Be helpful!

So, here yah go Tigers. Make sure to check these activities out. Save the date(S). Don’t worry we’ll remind you about these.